آخر ظهور: 22.06.24 7:35:38 AM
تفاصيل هامة عن MichaelAnalBoy
الجنس | ذكر |
العمر | 34 |
الارتفاع | 5'4" - 5'6" [160سم - 170سم] |
الوزن | 90 - 100 باوند [40 - 45 كغم] |
قضيب | كبيرة الحجم |
ما يجعلني مشتهية
when you fuck my ass or into mounth
ما يطفئ شهوتي
people who don't like proper sex
💜Unsaid, unnecessary words
🌊When you suddenly feel in your soul,
💕The one you can't feel with your hands.
And there is no better man in the world than the one who tries to do everything for you ❤
This is more than a novel. It's hard to describe. 👄 💌